Colder months and darker nights make for cosy corners and better lighting! Near the end of the year I found myself ahead of schedule for the challenge. Why not pick up some RPGs? I thought, especially with some new releases that piqued my interest…
Pokémon Violet 8/10
A new generation of Pokémon will always be hype and the Ninth was no exception. Pokémon Violet introduced Pokémon with an authentic flare that gives Paldea a real sense of personality. Character designs are iconic and choosing which order to take them out is a great new idea. The gameplay is fast paced with chore-like mechanics removed (thanks to the legendaries!) Unfortunately, it doesn’t feel fully finished. Many areas feel sparse while lag and glitches are abundant. Also, the idea of free choice is stifled by a clear path of progression determined by the levels of each boss. With just a bit more time, the game could have been one of the best of the series but instead it’s the most conflicting game yet. Let’s hope it terrestalises to be a better version of itself in the future.
Digimon Cybersleuth: Hacker’s Memory 6/10
It’s great to see Digimon represented competently in gaming. A good cast of Digimon, interesting past appearances and the familiar cyberspace really give the essence of the franchise. The lab mechanics feel challenging while the strategy in getting the most optimal party is complicated. It’s a shame that doesn’t translate to battles, where the strongest attack on each party member is the only option. The story holds memories of the last game, nicely building the universe, but it’s a little too simple. In fact, it’s a little too familiar. Too much like the last one in too many mechanics to make it stand out. The new chess-like gamemode is super fun so maybe with more newness it could’ve stood out. It needed to digivolve more. It’s championed the last in the series but certainly no Ultimate version.
SMT Nocturne 9/10
Full disclaimer: This took me way longer than a month to complete. But it was worth it. A gothic game with some tricky gameplay, experience the cult classic from generations ago with the same difficulty, dialogue and overall vibe that captivated audiences before. The first time I played, I’ll admit that I had no idea what was going on for a good portion of the game. But that’s the joy of the first playthrough; it’s being lost and constant discovery until you’re fully immersed into reshaping the world in your own design. That further knowledge after completion enhances a second playthrough, and a third, and a fourth, with different views each time you form an alliance. It’s not quite as polished as newer RPGs like Persona 5 but the rough around the edges qualities are what make it shine. Like a full magatama!
So much turn based combat that each sentence took me a while! These are three pretty different games that all show different sides to the genre. One of the first genres I enjoyed as a gamer and it still makes for an immersive and enjoyable experience.