It’s the tournament of trivia, it’s the knockout for kings, welcome back to the Skinsational Skin Review this time for the September Soiree in Apex Legends. I’m gonna do a flash review of all the skins for you and rate which ones are worth picking up in the ONLY definitive cosmetics tier list.
From this point, every character will have a score (Out of 5) that will carry over and ultimately rate who has the BEST. SKINS. IN. APEX. LEGENDS.
5. Bloodhound Falling Sky- 3/5
I think it was pretty obvious that this would be bottom place for this event. The only epic of this event, this is a recolour that brings a fresh look to Bloodhound while keeping the key elements of his design. The light blue is fresh and the gold embellishments go with the blue without overpowering it giving a sense of refinement. This colour scheme is iconic of this event. The gold embellishments are sparing meaning that it only shines at certain angles, meaning the skin can be admired at different angles revealing a depth to it. Like I say, it is a recolour but one of the better ones I’ve seen.
4. Bangalore Viceroy- 4/5
So from this point, there are only great skins. This skin give me Wakanda Forever. It gives me Nubia vibes. I love that the rich theme doesn’t have to come in wearing a fancy suit or dress and can actually been shown in the minimalism of this skin. This skin is mostly black with the gold bib and skirt moments. The minimalism here honestly gives this skin a refined feel. I feel like sometimes, designers will think about refined looks for female characters and go straight to some sort of dress. The fact that this is still so suited for combat while still looking so refined really works while staying true to Bangalore’s character and designed. She isn’t going to be held back! The gold headband and the bald head add an edge too that is nice to see. I’d love to know how Bangalore mains feel about this skin but from an outside perspective, this is one I’m definitely thinking of picking up.
3. Octane Clocktane 5/5
This skin was the reason I bought the full pack rather than just the separate bundles. This has so much detail that it almost borders on too much. Almost. The skin gives me very steampunk vibes with the cogs on the pants, the grail on the mask and the huge clock on the chest. You know what time it is? The use of bronze here instead of gold is different and matches the brown tones of the skin. This helps the green pop that is used sparingly but effectively on the chest, tubes and goggles. The helmet change is nice too and fits with a grid over the mouth that adds to the steampunk idea. The only reason that I put this quite low on the list is that I feel that it’s not really in theme with the character. I feel like it reads as being for an elder character while Octane is more of a young and bashful character. Otherwise, a really good skin, not sure it’s worth the £50 though.
2. Wattson Silver Age- 5/5
These next two skins are so close for me. Straight up: this skin is psychopathic. First of all, we’re seeing the blue and gold again, thematic of the event. The gold is used a little more liberally with the gloves, boots, helmet, hood and embellishments. It’s the blue that’s used more sparingly on the jacket on which there is so much detail from the pleating to the gold lines. Respawn like to have her jacket be a different colour making for a nice contrast in a colour blocking kind of way. This is all balanced out by the white torso and legs. The balanced uses of these colours look so good on her. It definitely feels like an evolution from her base skin. At the same time, I can still feel her youth in this so it doesn’t overwrite the character. Her ultimate ability looks different too which is a massive bonus for me. Quite a few skins don’t change how character abilities look in this game from Lifeline’s drone to Octane’s jump pad. It’s puts this skin even further ahead with this attention to detail. The only reason that this isn’t higher is because I feel that Apex overuse gold quite a lot. I feel that the top skin uses it a little more sparingly that actually makes the skin look even more refined.
- Pathfinder SRVN MRVN- 5/5
The least human character wears the most classic human look: the Tux. Honestly, I love the simplicity of this skin. Nothing says rich like a classic suit and that’s just what Pathfinder is giving us. He looked at the others and said, ‘I don’t have to do all that.’ Having said that, there are so many small details that put this on top. The gold elements in the joints and boots, reflecting the theme of the event. The stripes on the fabric that add texture and remind me of how the more expensive suits in the shops have these extra details to show their worth, I mean, the pop of red on the bowtie that looks so refreshing. COME. ON. And of course, the change of the chest panel to suit the theme is always a nice touch with Pathfinder and shows they’ve made sure to not leave any part out.
Overall, this might be one of the strongest events skin wise for Apex Legends. The only thing is that the prices are insane. £50 for the full bundle? For 5 gold skins and 3 recolours? In my opinion £30 would be more realistic. Alternately, for them to add a few more skins to this bundle, like the Bangalore skin and maybe some lootboxes or a charm. Nevertheless, the designers really did a great job on the skins for this event. Worth picking up if you have the money and feel like being a little fancy.